Directions to Gwacheon Cultural Village

Directions to Gamcheon Culture Village are as follows

Gancheon Cultural Village is a popular tourist destination in Busan, featuring colorful houses and artwork. There are three ways to visit: by subway and bus, cab, or on foot.
This station is on Busan Subway Line 1 and is convenient for access to the Gancheon Cultural Village.
The hospital is located near Dojo Station and there is a bus stop to go to Gancheon Cultural Village.
This elementary school is located at the entrance of Gancheon Cultural Village and is a drop-off point for those visiting by bus.
This is the main train station in Busan and one of the starting points for cab access to the Gancheon Cultural Village.
It is one of the starting points for cab access to the Gancheon Cultural Village in downtown Busan.