Guide to Rovaniemi, Finland, home of Santa Claus

The Lapland region in Finland is a magical land with scarce population, fresh air, and unique tranquility, relaxation, and freedom. It is worth mentioning that it is home to the officially designated Santa Claus Village by the United Nations.

The Santa Claus Village is a group of wooden buildings that feature Christmas-themed landscapes and experiences. Every year, a large number of tourists come here to witness the charm of Santa Claus. The Santa Claus office in the village is responsible for receiving children from various countries. Certified Santa Clauses answer children's curious questions here. The Arctic Circle runs right across the village, and visitors can find white lines with the dimensions of the Arctic Circle marked on them. They can also receive a certification for crossing the Arctic Circle.
Santa Claus Village is located 8 kilometers north of Rovaniemi, on the Arctic Circle. The village consists of wooden buildings, covered in thick white snow, adorned with red decorations and Christmas trees filled with gifts. It feels like Christmas day every day here. In the evening, when golden lights envelop this peaceful village, it's as if you are in a magical Christmas fairy tale, warm and beautiful.

Santa Claus Post Office

There is a Santa Claus post office in the Christmas village, where they receive postcards and letters from people all over the world. Santa Claus will reply to the senders in different languages and bring them blessings from Santa Claus. In addition to postcards, there are also many dolls, Christmas decorations, and other small items for sale, each of them is beautiful and delicate, making you can't help but want to bring them all home.

Reindeer farm

A reindeer farm run by the Sami family, located 14 kilometers from Inari, on Kittla Road. Here, you can see Sami performances and even go on a reindeer safari in winter.

Arktikum, the Finnish Arctic Museum and Science Centre

The Arctic Museum is located in the center of Rovaniemi, with a glass corridor of over 120 meters, resembling a protruding transparent cave in the wilderness, extending to the banks of the Ounas River, which is very impressive. The museum is divided into two floors and has many small exhibition halls. Whether it is Finnish history, Arctic animals, Northern Lights, and so on, each exhibition hall has a different theme, which can be visited slowly.

Rovaniemi Church

The church is not very big, but its overall design is exquisitely beautiful, especially when covered by heavy snow, it appears even more sacred and solemn. The interior of the church is relatively ordinary, but accompanied by the Jesus mural on the facade, it unexpectedly brings a sense of tranquility to people, making it a good place to escape the hustle and bustle and quietly contemplate.