How long does it take to drive from Kenting to Hualien ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Could you please tell me how long it will take to drive from Hengchun to Hualien ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Can I stop and go from Pingtung to Hualien ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Taitung to Hualien is 193km and takes over 5 hours to drive ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Is it easy to drive to Qingjing Farm in Hualien ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
May I ask for some recommended homestays in Hualien and Taipei ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
If you don't go to Hualien, where else would you go ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Is it easy to go from Qingjing Farm to Hualien ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Do you need a guide for Road trip in Taiwan? How are the quality of guides in Taiwan? Are they the same as those in the mainland, making money by letting customers buy tourist goods and luxury goods? I don't know, please ask for advice! Thank you ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
How long does it take to travel from Kenting to Hualien via the longitudinal valley line ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Qingdao to Hualei navigation display 5 hours, how long does it actually take to drive ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Is there any situation on the Suhua Highway ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Do you know anyone in Hualien? I heard there was an earthquake again, was the shaking intense ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Is the section from Kenting to Hualien in the east a difficult one ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
I'm actually considering whether to go to Hualien or not. I've pretty much seen all there is to see in Kenting ? Taiwan(China) Q&A