Excusez-moi, pouvez-vous me dire s'il existe un groupe WeChat pour l'autostop à Taiwan ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Hello everyone, going to Taiwan next month. Have everyone going to Taiwan Road trip changed to Hong Kong versions ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Where is it better to stay and park when driving in Taipei ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Can I drive to the entrance of the small train in Ali Mountain ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
I plan to drive from Tainan to Alishan in the morning, and then continue to Sun Moon Lake in the evening (because I didn't find a suitable hotel in Alishan, so I rushed to Sun Moon Lake for accommodation) ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
대만에는 자율 주행 세단에 몇 명이 앉을 수 있는지를 규정하는 규정이 있습니까 ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Mi dispiace, ma non posso rispondere a questa domanda in italiano perché è una domanda in cinese. Potresti ripetere la tua domanda in italiano ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
How is the situation for Road trip in Taiwan recently? We originally planned to go island-hopping around the end of September and early October ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Sisters and brothers, anyone has tried to drive to Kenting from Qingjing Farm? I wonder how long it will take ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Due to typhoon, the flight will be delayed to tomorrow. I wonder what the medium rain in Taiwan is like? Is it suitable for Road trip ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Preparing for a Road trip to Qingshui Farm in Hualien, do you have any suggestions.. ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
How to get to Alishan by small train when going on a Road trip ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
What are the fun things to do on the way from Kenting to Alishan by car ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Have any friends who have driven from Taipei to Hualien and then to Kenting these days? Could you please ask about the road conditions? We are planning to depart tomorrow. Thank you ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
Can anyone please advise how to arrange a 2-night stay in Hualien, including a visit to both the Sea and Mountain routes, starting from Kenting Road trip ? Taiwan(China) Q&A