What's the compensation for putting the wrong gasoline in a diesel car ? Spain Q&A
¿Es importante que el semáforo de adblue de un coche diésel esté encendido en amarillo ? Spain Q&A
Hello everyone! Do you have any rentals for diesel cars? Do they charge a daily fee ? Spain Q&A
So do I need to prepare oil for the diesel car I borrowed ? Spain Q&A
I'd like to ask, we were given a diesel car when renting a car in Lisbon ? Spain Q&A
What kind of fuel does the Audi Q3 in Spain use, gasoline or diesel ? Spain Q&A
How much can diesel cars save compared to gasoline cars? The store said that if you consume 70 euros of gasoline, diesel is only 20 euros. Is there such a big difference ? Spain Q&A
Is the car easy to drive? Diesel or gasoline? Have you encountered any claims for the super preferential all-risk insurance ? Spain Q&A
Hello, I rented a Mercedes-Benz A200 diesel version. What kind of diesel should I add ? Spain Q&A
Do we need to rent a diesel car when driving in Spain? Just my girlfriend and I, not many people ? Spain Q&A
Will diesel be inconvenient ? Spain Q&A