Is the counter for handling procedures inside ? Switzerland Q&A
Can other people drive the car rented? What procedures are needed to add a driver? Is there a charge ? Switzerland Q&A
I also want to ask where to buy half-price tickets in Switzerland. Do they sell them at tourist information centers, various train stations, cable car stations, and so on? I'm worried that I have to go through another round of procedures like activation on the ground after buying them domestically ? Switzerland Q&A
Do you need someone to pick up the car after the rental procedures are completed ? Switzerland Q&A
We have been receiving fines and the handling fees are extremely expensive since we returned to our country, which gives us a strange feeling. Have any of you ever experienced such a situation ? Switzerland Q&A
"Reimbursement procedures at Iceland airport? How much time in advance do I need to arrive at the airport from the city in order to return the car and claim the refund?" ? Iceland Q&A
Can two people in one car enter this HOV lane on I-15? Can we drive directly into it without any prior or post-procedure ? United States Q&A
Hello! Did the vehicle board the ferry? Is the procedure convenient ? New Zealand Q&A
Do I need to pay a service fee when using an international credit card to pay the deposit for renting a car ? New Zealand Q&A
Can you tell me how long does it usually take to handle the rental car procedures? Do I need to take the traffic rules test ? New Zealand Q&A
Ciao a tutti! Chiedo, noleggiare un'auto in Finlandia e attraversare la frontiera in Norvegia per tre giorni, quindi tornare in Finlandia, serve qualche procedura speciale ? Finland Q&A
In Italy, they say the overtaking lane has no speed limit and that there is a 45 euro processing fee for the violation. I was fined twice, and some people say I must have committed two violations to be fined this much ? Italy Q&A
My girlfriend is a local here, what procedures do I need to prepare ? Malaysia Q&A
Changing the ticket may not be cost-effective if there is a price difference, which is no different from getting a refund. Refunds also do not incur any handling fees. I am now considering whether I can change the departure date to May 1st, but there will be a charge for the price difference ? United States Q&A
Do I need to pay an extra fee for picking up and returning the car at Frankfurt Airport ? Germany Q&A
Is my New Zealand visa still valid if I stay longer than planned? Do I need to do anything else ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you usually charge a handling fee if I return the car one day in advance ? Spain Q&A
By the way, what procedures do I need for a driver's license and embassy certification ? Italy Q&A
Aber ich habe meinen Flug bereits am 23. zurückgegeben und musste eine Gebühr von 1000 Yuan zahlen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich bei Fliggy die Rückerstattung beantragen kann ? Thailand Q&A
Do New Zealand credit cards all have a 3% service fee? If you use cash, do you not have to pay the service fee ? New Zealand Q&A