Do New Zealand supermarkets charge fees for using credit cards for accommodation and meals? Is it more convenient to use cash or cards ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you guys have any experience booking a room on Airbnb? Are there any discount methods, such as credit cards or coupons ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, do you have any experience using credit cards for self-service fueling? Is it that you need to swipe 100 first and then get the money back ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, do I need to bring a lot of cash when traveling in the South Island of New Zealand? Can credit cards be used if I don't bring cash ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Hay una tarifa de servicio en la mayoría de los hoteles de Nueva Zelanda al utilizar tarjetas de crédito? ¿La gente cambia generalmente a efectivo para pagar ? New Zealand Q&A
C'è qualcuno che sa come funziona il pagamento self-service al distributore NPD? Ho fatto rifornimento di mezza tanica con la mia carta di credito questa mattina al distributore NPD self-service e mi sono accorto solo dopo di essere stato addebitato 150 SGD interi, ma stamattina ho fatto rifornimento di due terzi di tanica di benzina 91 al distributore BP per soli 90 SGD. Cosa succede e c'è un modo per risolvere il problema ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Cuánto tiempo tarda en devolverse el dinero restante después de llenar la gasolina con una tarjeta de crédito ? New Zealand Q&A
Mi dispiace, non ho capito la tua domanda. Potresti ripeterla o fornirmi ulteriori dettagli ? New Zealand Q&A
@Yang Min When you book a motel on Booking, do you still need to pay a deposit when you check in ? New Zealand Q&A
Can I ask the store if there is a surcharge for using a credit card ? New Zealand Q&A
Could you please tell me if people tend to pay with cash or credit card when eating out in New Zealand? How much cash should we prepare for an 8-day trip for two people in the South Island ? New Zealand Q&A
I kept confirming that it was a zero payment when I picked up the car, but ended up signing a bunch of liability forms. My credit card was charged $60? Do you have a similar situation? I'm going to ask when I return to China ? New Zealand Q&A
Which operator's card did you buy ? New Zealand Q&A
Which SIM card should I choose ? New Zealand Q&A
What kind of phone card did you buy ? New Zealand Q&A