Do you have a 12-seater car with an accompanying driver for daily rent ? New Zealand Q&A
Ist es notwendig, einen zusätzlichen Fahrer hinzuzufügen, wie wird dies beantragt ? New Zealand Q&A
Can the main driver's credit card be pre-authorized when renting a car in New Zealand ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Podría yo ser el conductor principal y recoger el coche primero si voy con un amigo en dos vuelos diferentes? ¿O puedo proporcionar información de otro conductor de manera remota el segundo día ? New Zealand Q&A
Could you please tell me if an 8-seater car of a certain brand with a larger trunk can accommodate 8 people, 7 24-inch suitcases, and only one driver ? New Zealand Q&A
Was reported for not giving way to the car behind, police recorded the driver's information, but no fine was issued. What impact does this have? Will the fines accumulate ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need the credit card used for renting to be the driver's name? Can it be used by a companion if there is no international credit card ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you know how much Avis charges extra drivers ? New Zealand Q&A
Do both of you need to add a driver for the rental car? Do you both have translated driver's licenses ? New Zealand Q&A
Does anyone know how much it costs to add an additional driver to the car ? New Zealand Q&A
Also, guys, can you add the driver, and list all four of us ? New Zealand Q&A
¿Cómo puedo ver el pasajero de asiento del conductor al alquilar un coche? ¿Dónde puedo introducir la información del pasajero del asiento del conductor ? New Zealand Q&A
Do you need to pay extra money to add additional drivers when renting a car in New Zealand ? New Zealand Q&A
How much does it cost to add a driver ? New Zealand Q&A
How much does an additional driver cost ? New Zealand Q&A