What's the departure place of this flight ? Italy Q&A
Have your flights in February been cancelled ? Italy Q&A
Est-ce que nous pouvons réclamer une indemnisation auprès d'assurance quand notre vol est annulé ? Italy Q&A
Excuse me, are all flights to Italy cancelled ? Italy Q&A
On January 30th, is there anyone who wants to self-drive from Rome on hu7971 ? Italy Q&A
2-8 Milan to Beijing China Airlines has been cancelled. What should I do next ? Italy Q&A
Flight to Milan on the 15th, how to determine if the hotel is within the ZTL zone when renting a car ? Italy Q&A
Thank you, everyone. Do any of you plan to return to Shanghai recently or change your tickets to return to Shanghai ? Italy Q&A
Do you need to go outside the airport to find a store? Is it available at Fiumicino Airport, which is the first stop for Rome ? Italy Q&A
Hello everyone, could you please tell me if you have rented a GPS when you went to the Dolomites and Amalfi? I find it hard to search for cable car stations, lakes, hiking starting points. Or should I download Google offline maps as soon as possible? I am now waiting for a connecting flight at an airport in Russia, and when I adjust the GPS, I find that many places cannot be searched. I'm also afraid that there will be no signal in the mountains and I can't use Google online maps ? Italy Q&A