On January 18, 2019, rent a car in Copenhagen, Denmark and return it to Helsingborg. Then rent a car in Helsingborg and drive to Stockholm. Return the car at Stockholm Airport, and then fly to Helsinki. Rent a car at Helsinki Airport and return it at Helsinki Airport. In total, there are six people. Where should I rent a car ? Denmark Q&A
Iceland visa, transfer in Helsinki, Finland, can you leave Helsinki Airport ? Iceland Q&A
May I bring vacuum packed food into customs at Vantaa airport in Helsinki? For example, cooked beef ? Finland Q&A
Do you guys have any plans to travel from Shanghai to Finland in the next few days? Are there any exceptions at Shanghai airport and Helsinki airport ? Finland Q&A
I rent and roam superman wifi device, rent said to go to Austria, Germany, Czech, but the plane stops in Helsinki, Finland, can't use. Say Europe can be used! Do you know what's going on ? Austria Q&A
Helsinki transfer, arriving at night, going to the city in the morning, and returning to the airport at noon, reliable or not? All the experts ? Finland Q&A
Hello guys, do I need to fill in an entry form when transferring and entering Helsinki ? Austria Q&A
Now the appointment for Iceland visa has been booked to July 22. Can I apply for a Finnish visa, with all entry and exit via Helsinki ? Iceland Q&A
Do you need to exit and re-enter customs when transferring from Helsinki to Iceland ? Iceland Q&A
I wonder if 2 hours transit in Helsinki is enough ? Iceland Q&A
Just wondering about the refund. The flight is Finnair from Madrid to Helsinki back to Beijing. Should I refund in Madrid or in Helsinki ? Spain Q&A
Excuse me, do I need to go through customs when transferring in Helsinki? Is one and a half hours enough for the transfer ? Iceland Q&A
Do you have any passengers entering from Helsinki ? Iceland Q&A