Do you have any good hotel or homestay recommendations ? Czech Republic Q&A
Do most hotels or guesthouses offer free parking ? Czech Republic Q&A
How did you park when you visited Salzburg? Our accommodation was a countryside B&B which we booked. We can only drive from the accommodation to Salzburg city, so I wonder how to park in Salzburg city ? Czech Republic Q&A
Do you provide breakfast at the guesthouse booked? Thank you ? New Zealand Q&A
Can I stay in a homestay with a landing visa ? Thailand Q&A
Do Taiwan homestays not accept card payments ? Taiwan(China) Q&A
How much does a typical homestay cost over there ? Thailand Q&A
Does Kashi have recommended homestays ? Turkey Q&A
Why do men tend to stay at guesthouses more ? Thailand Q&A
Hello everyone! May I ask for the name and address of the Montreux guesthouse? (I couldn't find it online) ? United States Q&A
Can this map search for nearby homestays ? United States Q&A
How did I manage to drive into the ZTL with my pre-booked Airbnb ? Italy Q&A
Do San Diego and San Francisco have recommended vacation rentals ? United States Q&A
What is the high cost-effective B & B in Te Kapu Lake ? New Zealand Q&A
How much does it cost? I find that homestays in Australia are also expensive ? Australia Q&A
How much does this homestay cost per night? How many people ? New Zealand Q&A
Besides Airbnb, where else can I conveniently book a vacation rental ? New Zealand Q&A
Excuse me, are there pots for cooking in the homestay ? New Zealand Q&A