Do you have any good hotel or homestay recommendations ? Czech Republic Q&A
Have you ever encountered a failure to swipe your card ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is there an extra charge to go to other countries ? Czech Republic Q&A
Are there any drivers from Salzburg to Budapest ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is there anyone driving in the Czech Republic on November 3rd ? Czech Republic Q&A
Oh oh. Are you at the airport or train station's budget ? Czech Republic Q&A
The blue line in Prague can be parked, right ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is it easy to drive in the snow ? Czech Republic Q&A
Excuse me, do you know where the car rental place returns the car ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is the car to be bought or rented already bought ? Czech Republic Q&A
Is there a cheap place to park in the Old Town of Prague ? Czech Republic Q&A
Do vehicles provide expressway tickets when renting ? Czech Republic Q&A
Where did I read that Germany doesn't need to be bought ? Czech Republic Q&A
Did you two drive the whole journey in turns ? Czech Republic Q&A
If you drive, can most of them be charged by card ? Czech Republic Q&A