Do any of your friends stay at the Banff Sunshine Mountain Resort ? Canada Q&A
Has anyone been to Yellowknife? Recommendations for hotels are welcome ? Canada Q&A
Do you have any recommendations for good hotels in Quebec ? Canada Q&A
We ordered a good taxi and hotel price suddenly rose, what's going on? ? Canada Q&A
I have a reservation at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. Is it possible to drive there ? Canada Q&A
Excuse me, do you need to tip for hotel breakfast ? Canada Q&A
Go directly to the hotel's official website to check if there are vacancies. If there are no vacancies, you can only stay in the nearby town ? Canada Q&A
How do I turn on the table lamp in the hotel? Do you know? I can't find the switch ? Canada Q&A
How can I get to Capilano Suspension Bridge and Grouse Mountain more conveniently from Downtown Vancouver (Hyatt Regency Hotel) ? Canada Q&A
We are Road trip with four people. Which one do you think has a better cost performance, booking a homestay or a hotel? Please guide us ❤ ? Canada Q&A
The hotel accommodation fees are all paid by credit card, but the amount deducted is higher than the actual cost, and it already includes taxes. What's going on ? Canada Q&A
Can anyone recommend a good hotel/lodge near Algonquin Park? We stayed at the Sands on Golden Lake before, but felt that it was a bit too far from the park entrance, and the facilities were just so-so. Although the lake view was ok ? Canada Q&A
Is it possible to apply for up to 5 people using the app on one phone? Is it the third option 'add traveler'? Also, when you mentioned 'same address,' are you referring to the domestic address being the same or the hotel address being the same ? Canada Q&A