What's the distance from Melbourne to Great Ocean Road and back ? Australia Q&A
Do you need to add a photo to the translated driving license ? Australia Q&A
Do I have to fly from Great Ocean Road to Tasmania? Can I drive from Melbourne ? Australia Q&A
Do you need to wash the car when returning it in Australia ? Australia Q&A
Excuse me, what kind of fuel gun do I need to add oil for ? Australia Q&A
May I ask if I have booked a hotel in Apollo Bay. Can I arrive during the road construction period ? Australia Q&A
How can I pay the toll fee when driving from Sydney to Brisbane? Can I only buy a toll package from the car rental company ? Australia Q&A
Have you ever used Hertz's gold member card? What's the difference between it and the ordinary member card ? Australia Q&A
Hello, may I ask if the coastal road of Ocean Road has been repaired ? Australia Q&A
Hello everyone! Is the firefly cave near Gold Coast worth visiting ? Australia Q&A
There are many sand particles in the car, do I need to wash it when returning the car ? Australia Q&A
How much do you usually prepay for the deposit of a car rental? Will it occupy the credit card limit? If the credit card limit is not enough, will it affect consumption in Australia ? Australia Q&A
When should everyone buy insurance: at the time of booking the car or when picking up the car in Australia ? Australia Q&A
Can you please tell me if East Coast Car Rental is reliable and what is the condition of their vehicles ? Australia Q&A
¿Podría recoger el coche en la estación de tren de la Manero Sur y devolverlo en el aeropuerto de Aviñón ? Australia Q&A