Has anyone been there? Is it easy to drive? The female driver doesn't have much experience, and is it dangerous to drive right after getting off the plane ?

3 Answers

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Go slow and get familiar with it. Follow a car to get a feel for it.

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Not recommended for those with little driving experience. I feel okay with 18 years of driving experience. I once saw someone with 18 years of driving experience saying that they wanted to return the car after driving it for a day.

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To be honest, if you don't have much driving experience, I suggest you don't drive. Because you don't have much driving experience, and you are in a strange place where you are not familiar with their driving habits. This is very likely to cause accidents. I will give you an example. Thais are used to giving way to straight vehicles when turning, which is completely different from ours. They almost only turn when there are no straight vehicles in their line of sight. The drivers behind them will never urge them on. If you don't know, you can turn when you think it's okay, but this is very likely to cause the straight vehicle to brake suddenly without warning, and if you can't brake in time, an accident will occur. Because the drivers of straight vehicles don't think you will turn. In our country, there is a phrase "If you don't fight for it, you won't get it", so it's best to understand the driving habits of the locals to avoid accidents.