How do I give way to others? I'm in a hurry and there's a long line of cars behind me. I don't dare to stop on the side of the road, I'm afraid there will be problems ?

5 Answers

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It's okay. Just drive at the speed limit. If they are in a hurry, they will overtake. I got overtaken today while working during the winter vacation.

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Turn left indicator on, slow down at the same time. If others are in a hurry, they will overtake.

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First, if there are no vehicles in front of you in a lane, you cannot drive slower than the speed limit (stop-and-go). Second, after driving for about ten kilometers in a lane, you will encounter a double-lane section and you need to turn on your left turn signal to indicate to the vehicles behind you. They will directly pass you.

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Give way to the vehicle behind on the right.

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One hundred, you don't have to worry about it.