Hello everyone, can you turn around 180 degrees when driving in Canadian cities? Thank you ?

3 Answers

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Not allowed, only turn right, turn right, turn right, or 3 left turns, also can go to some supermarkets, hat Li and come out.

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This action must be based on the complexity of the road. Generally, it is not recommended. First, if the opposite lane is very empty, you can turn with peace of mind, and then make one or two reverse movements to straighten, otherwise the right of way belongs to the straight road, and if you hit, you will easily have no responsibility. Second, pay attention to the solid and dashed lines. Third, it is recommended to turn at a legal place when the traffic light is red, at this time you have the right of way. If both the left turn and straight lights are on, you must observe the oncoming traffic and speed, no one will let us turn or make a U-turn, making them brake or honk will be strongly despised. In the Canadian road test, if you brake a little after the green light, you will be immediately disqualified. So driving habits are completely different.

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In addition to places where U-turns are prohibited, you can