Is Italy suitable for Road trip? I just want to know if this country is suitable for Road trip. If not, I won't rent a car here ?

8 Answers

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At first I was a little worried, the roads in Italian cities are generally narrow and it's not easy to park, but once you leave the city it's fine, and it's also fine to go to the supermarket to buy things, the most important thing is to have navigation to help.

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In European city downtown, it is more troublesome to drive, with narrow roads, many one-way streets, many restricted areas, and easy to get fined. It's much more enjoyable to drive in the suburbs.

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In Italy, driving on the highway is generally faster, at least 130 kilometers per hour. People are very disciplined, driving slowly on the outer lanes, while the inner lanes usually go at 140-150 kilometers. But don't speed, there are still speed cameras.

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In Italy, friends who drive by themselves need to be aware that they cannot enter the ZTL area at will, otherwise they will be fined. It seems that only government vehicles are allowed to pass.

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The roads in Italy are difficult to drive on and require an experienced driver. It may be challenging for a novice to handle.

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In many Italian cities, the city center is off-limits, so be careful to avoid breaking the rules.

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In Italian towns, there are many one-way streets, so accurate navigation is important.

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If you must drive in Italy, you should have a basic understanding of the traffic rules and parking spots at your destination to avoid entering restricted areas, one-way streets, etc.