What is the speed limit when driving in Spain? Can you speed up ?

5 Answers

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High-speed is generally 120, there are speed limit signs, as for can speeding up? Where in the world is not allowed to speed up.

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Highway 120, the maximum speed is 90 kilometers.

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Speed limit signs can be seen everywhere. You can exceed the speed limit a little when overtaking. Otherwise, just rely on luck. It's better not to exceed the speed limit when going to another country.

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There are usually speed limits marked, and speed radar also has提前提示, the speed limit on the expressway is generally 110 or 120, but it's usually possible to drive at 150-160 if you follow the flow, and if the car is better, 180 is also fine.

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From Madrid to Toledo, from Toledo to Segovia, I drove 150 all the way, and then the car next to me whizzed by me.