Then they gave me a piece of paper and a parking card, and I went to get the car myself. No one was in charge. When I got there, I found scratches on the back of the car. After taking a picture, I caught a passing staff member and told him about the situation. He then took a picture and registered it on his phone, and asked me to sign. I wonder how it will be when I return the car? Overall, the process of getting the car is not complicated, but the experience is not good ?

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There were marks on the car when I picked it up, which were indicated in the contract. I didn't quite understand when I picked up the car, but they specifically circled the return address, car marks, and emergency rescue phone number for me. The Germans are very meticulous. When I picked up and returned the car in Spain and Canada before, it was easy because I did it myself. No one cared about the scratches. When I returned the car in Spain, the store was closed on Sunday, so I just dropped off the keys and left.