I rented a Mercedes-Benz E-Class for my trip. Before picking up the car, I didn't know if it was an E200 or E220, petrol or diesel. But I did my homework beforehand, and if it was an E220, then it would be the diesel version. It turned out to be an E200, and I was a bit disappointed, as the horsepower would be lower, but there was nothing I could do about it. I checked the car and found that the latch in the bottom of the trunk was broken, causing the luggage cover inside to not close properly. I told the staff at the pick-up location that this needed to be fixed, or else I would request a different car. They said that there was only this E200 available at the moment, and asked if I would accept a different model. I said that I was used to driving a Mercedes-Benz and didn't consider other options. They quickly brought over an E220d and asked if I wanted it. Do I even need to answer that ?

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Thank you for sharing the experience