Am I still checked in Moscow if I transit in Beijing? I'm worried that they won't allow these things in my suitcase ?
3 Answers

We flew to Paris on June 3rd with a layover in Moscow with Aeroflot. Unfortunately, none of the luggage for the nine people on our flight and several others arrived. It took three days of hustle and bustle to recover it all.

Are you talking about drones? I don't put it in the luggage because it has a battery and can't be placed in the luggage. It's better to carry it with you, especially if you are flying with Aeroflot. In fact, it's not a problem, they all let it through, at most they will ask you what you are using it for, and domestic customs don't care at all. Not to rain on your parade, but I used to happily bring my DJI with me, only to find out that I couldn't fly it in most scenic spots and cities. It's too risky to fly it secretly, and even in places where it's allowed, the police would say no. I don't bring it with me anymore, it's easier to bring a dog. But in that area, you can fly it wherever you want.

Don't put valuable things in the luggage of Aeroflot, especially when transferring, it is often opened.