I booked a homestay in Zemun. How much does a taxi from the airport cost ?

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About 1000 dinars There is a currency exchange booth in the arrival hall of Belgrade Airport. You can change a little bit of dinars first, up to 50 euros. Inside the exit, ask the official TAXI counter for a ticket, show them the hotel address, and you will get a ticket with the official price written on it. Just hand the ticket to the taxi driver outside the queue. Do not take the black taxi (the ones that come up to you and ask if you want a taxi), they tend to overcharge. (Here are the HTML tags preserved in the translation: About 1000 dinars There is a currency exchange booth in the arrival hall of Belgrade Airport. You can change a little bit of dinars first, up to 50 euros. Inside the exit, ask the official TAXI counter for a ticket, show them the hotel address, and you will get a ticket with the official price written on it. Just hand the ticket to the taxi driver outside the queue. Do not take the black taxi (the ones that come up to you and ask if you want a taxi), they tend to overcharge.)