The dashboard popped up Ad blue, asked the gas station and said it needed fuel additive, do I need to help him add it? Or ignore it ?
5 Answers
Need to add, otherwise the car will not start. The expressway supermarket sells it. Keep the supermarket receipt. Give it to the garage when you return the car. The garage will give you the money according to the receipt.
It should be used for diesel vehicles to improve emission standards. It won't affect driving if it's not added. Gas stations have it, and it's not much money.
You can call the garage and ask.
If you're unsure, call the dealer or go to the nearest branch of your own dealer and let them sort it out.
Need to add, can be added at gas stations. We didn't notice last time, after turning off the engine, we couldn't start the car, so we had to take a taxi to the gas station to buy it.