How is the traffic in Phuket? Are there many mountain roads? Same question ?

4 Answers

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Be careful when driving in the central area, it's still a bit unfamiliar to drive on the left side, and I have to remind myself constantly.

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Phuket Island has high mountains and steep roads, so it is best to choose a car with a displacement of 1.6 or higher.

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The driving order in Phuket is good, the driving speed is very fast, and it is not recommended for beginners or students with poor driving skills to drive. Although there are a few winding mountain roads, it is not a big problem for me who is used to driving on the winding mountain roads in Zhejiang. Overall, it is a good experience, the first time driving on the right-hand drive.

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Friends who are planning to drive to Phuket, it is recommended to rent an SUV or a powerful sedan. The terrain of Phuket is too undulating, and a small car will need to turn off the air conditioning and shift to low gear to have a chance of going up the mountain roads. If there are four people in the car, even if you stand up and step on the gas, the car will basically not move... Next time, I must rent an SUV!!!