As a person who only has a driver's license and hasn't driven much, is it suitable to rent a car in the United States? I'm a little scared when I see how fast people drive ?

8 Answers

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I suggest you not to. You are not familiar with the traffic conditions. Besides, the speed of the cars is really very fast.

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I got my driver's license a year ago, and then only drove for about a month. I rented a car the other day and it was really fun to drive.

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US cars go very fast and there are basically no speed cameras, so they are basically all speeding, and they are tailgating very closely. It's not recommended for beginners to drive, as they will be very uncomfortable.

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It's better not to drive in the city. First, the speed of the cars is fast, and when changing lanes, the cars are also very fast, so you might end up in the wrong lane if you try to change lanes in advance. If you don't change lanes in advance, inexperienced drivers may have difficulty getting off, or they may feel a lot of pressure. Second, the road conditions are also unfamiliar, and if you accidentally miss a junction, you may end up going a long way. Of course, on the highways far from the towns, there are fewer cars and the roads are straight, so it's easier to pass other cars.

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It's best to let experienced drivers drive. They drive very fast on highways. Also, pay special attention to road rights. Those who are not familiar with traffic regulations should not drive.

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It is suggested not to open.

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Insurance purchased in full

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The car speed is really fast, it is suggested not to drive for the sake of safety.