I have heard many friends who have gone on Road trips in San Francisco and Los Angeles say that their cars were broken into and their luggage was stolen. In such a situation, should we first report to the police and then go to the car rental company to change the car? Is the car replacement free of charge? Does the theft and robbery insurance included when renting a car cover the loss, or do we need to purchase separate glass and tire insurance? We have driven in foreign countries many times before, but this is our first time in the United States, and we have never encountered a situation where our car was broken into. We are not sure how to handle it if it happens ?

3 Answers

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Many friends were smashed? Just ask the smashed friends how they dealt with it.

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In theory, you can report the accident to the police and your insurance company, and ask your insurance company how to handle it.

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There are many homeless people in San Francisco. Cases of smashing glass with damages under $1000 will not be filed by the police, inadvertently condoning this type of minor crime. Therefore, it is important not to leave any bags or valuable items in the car when parking. Local friends often remind us that even $5 can tempt someone to smash a car window. Therefore, to prevent window smashing, nothing should be left in the car after parking.