Can I get a refund for the items bought in Austria ?

5 Answers

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Sure, just remember to get a stamp from customs before leaving the EU and put the invoice in the mailbox. It's better to get a refund in cash instead of on the card, even if it's not in euros. Other currencies can be spent directly at the airport.

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Get the customs stamp affixed before departure and get the refund at United Money.

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Sure! You can return it at the first highway service area supermarket when you exit Czech. You don't have to wait until you get to Prague to return it. After you buy things, ask if there are places for tax refunds in the city.

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Unless you fly back directly, if you have to go to the Czech Republic, you can only return in Prague Airport. I wanted euros, cash. Although the exchange rate lost a bit, but the big money still got three

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At your last stop in the EU, get your customs stamp and refund before leaving, or you can also get a refund when you return home. United Currency provides European shopping refunds, and you can also upload refund documents by adding the mobile WeChat public number, which is very convenient.