Hello, my pick-up and drop-off point for the car in Florence is within the ZTL. Will the car rental agency automatically remove the record, or do we need to handle it ourselves ?

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Inform the car rental company in advance about the situation and they will agree to drive back into the city. Record the exact time of your first entry into the ZTL and ask the rental company to assist you in deleting the infringement record. This can be done on a computer, but it requires a local person to operate it (ideally someone who speaks Italian). We parked our car at a car rental company in Florence for one night and explained to them the exact time we entered at night and they deleted the record. The next morning, we left the ZTL before a certain time and they agreed. We asked the hotel manager to call the car rental company to help us drive the car directly to the hotel entrance and we paid the parking fee in cash. We then left the car and went straight to the hotel.