My pick-up point is also near the Milan Cathedral. After picking up the car, I will leave Milan directly and go to Cinque Terre. In this case, should I be able to avoid ZTL? ZTL generally restricts vehicles with non-local license plates from entering. If it is a local vehicle, does it not have any restrictions ?

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ZTL is not divided into local or foreign vehicles, but whether the license plate has purchased the permission to enter the ZTL. If the pick-up and drop-off points are within the ZTL, ask how to go when picking up the car. There are usually two cases: the car rental company will report the license plate, or tell you the route out of the city. If the hotel is within the ZTL, drive in (with luggage, you can drive in), put down the luggage and drive out, and then tell the hotel the license plate and let the hotel cancel it.