Will it be colder at the end of August? Do I still need to bring a woolen sweater ?

2 Answers

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Whether it's cold or not depends on your own cold resistance. I was on an AirAsia plane in Kuala Lumpur in August, and the air conditioning was blasting. I was cold enough to wear a thin down jacket, while the foreigners next to me were wearing short-sleeved shirts, shorts, and slippers. In the past two days in Australia, it's not cold when the sun is out and you can wear just one piece of clothing, but when there's no sun and the wind is strong, it's really cold. So, in addition to considering the weather at your destination, you also need to consider the flight you're taking, the temperature difference between morning and night, whether there's strong wind, and your own physical condition.

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Temperatures will rise in late August and will definitely be warmer than they are now.