Is it dangerous to rent a car and drive in Italy from France ?

4 Answers

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Super wild, the car behind you in Italy is always following you at extremely high speed. Drive in the mountains in southern Italy. The quality of people there is even more unspeakable.

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15 years Spring Festival driving in Italy did not feel chaotic, maybe we all avoided ZTL and did not drive the car into the city center, ZTL is a nightmare

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Italians drive crazier than the French, so as long as you pay attention to traffic rules, you should be fine. But there are a lot of thieves in Italy, and European cars don't have car stickers. After parking, make sure you don't leave anything on the car seats. Big items should be put in the trunk. I lived in France for a few years and drove in both Spain and Italy. I've encountered thieves in both places, but France is a little better. Don't leave things like this in the car, otherwise the police will have a hard time explaining it if they stop you. We often encounter police roadblocks when we return to France from Italy. As soon as they see Asians, they check more carefully because many Chinese people transport cash in Europe.

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It seems that France is more chaotic than Italy.