Is the process of Road trip refueling in Austria complicated? How to self-service refueling? Please advise, thank you ?

3 Answers

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Make sure to choose the type of fuel, self-service fuel, and report the number to the cashier after filling up. That's the process for me. Remember to look at the two types of diesel, one for passenger cars and the other for trucks, different fuel guns. The Golf I rented was diesel, luckily I was reminded by a local, otherwise I would have made a mistake.

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This problem is not big. If you are talkative, others will help you. Try to find a supermarket to charge as much as possible. His oil pump is a little different from ours. You need to hold it yourself and not let go.

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Take the gun, refuel. Remember the number. Enter the supermarket to pay. Don't be afraid to run. There are surveillance cameras everywhere.