May I ask how long it takes to tour Alishan and is it fun ?

2 Answers

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In Ali Mountain Scenic Area, it takes about three hours in general. I also wanted to do the same as you, but I was afraid that the mountain road would be dangerous if it got dark, so I changed to staying at the entrance of Ali Mountain for one night first, and then going to Sun Moon Lake the next morning.

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If you want to rush through Alishan, you can finish in about 2 hours, but the road is long. If you start from Kaohsiung, you will arrive at the top of the mountain around 12 o'clock. After lunch, you can take the first small train to Zhumping at 1:00 pm, walk to the Spirit Tree Station, and then take a bus back to Alishan Station at about 3:30 pm. If it doesn't rain, you can arrive at Sun Moon Lake before dark.