Interpretation of the situation where the friend above violated the law and turned. It's definitely not that the police officer is too kind, or the elder sister is too beautiful. The police officer must know that mainland residents do not have an international driver's license, so why bother detaining you. The mainland is not a contracting party to the International Driving Permit, and the International Driving Permit must be presented together with the local driver's license to be valid. Why not handle it, because there is no specific handling clause. Or understand it as a blind spot in the regulations ?

2 Answers

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It's ok. According to the Taiwan Traffic Law, driving without a license will result in a fine of NT$6,000-NT$12,000 and impoundment of the vehicle. However, unlike the mainland, detention is not required. Therefore, car rental companies in Taiwan believe that the risk is controllable.

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Who says Mainland residents don't have international driving permits? Many people get their licenses abroad and apply for IDPs. I have several foreign licenses obtained in different countries, and I also obtained an international driving permit. Is there a problem with that? Taiwanese police generally won't be too picky because there are very few cases of serious traffic accidents involving Mainland residents. This is because traffic regulations are basically the same and such accidents are unlikely to occur. There is no major negative impact, and in the interests of the economy, the police turn a blind eye. But don't have any major accidents.