Sixt's cars are much cheaper than those of other major companies, but I don't know how the service is and if there are any traps ?

2 Answers

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劝你别租,拿车无人验随手给你,还车验尸一样挑毛病。选其他吧,我刚回国 Advise you not to rent, take the car no one to check, handed to you at will, return the car to check the body like picking faults. Choose other, I just returned from abroad.

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The last time I rented from Sixt, it was okay. There wasn't much vehicle inspection when I returned the car. However, when I picked up the car, one of the tires had a nail stuck in the inner side, causing the tire to go flat. I didn't notice it at the time, and the staff at the car rental agency were not responsible enough. They misled me and said that there were free air filling places everywhere.