Qinghai White Temple straight to Pai, stay in Pai at night, two roads, one close to Chiang Mai, which way should we go ?

3 Answers

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The second road is wider, with fewer bends, and is currently under construction, but it is still drivable.

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Thailand's roads with 1-3 digit numbers are generally in good condition. Your ten-day itinerary from Chiang Mai to Phuket is too rushed. It is not necessary to go to Pai County, as the mountain roads there have a lot of sharp turns and require caution. Thailand is suitable for three separate trips: southern Thailand, northern Thailand, and central Thailand. This way, the itinerary is more relaxed and comfortable. For the northern Thailand itinerary, it is recommended to go from Chiang Mai to Pai County to Fang County to Mae Salong to Mae Sai to the Golden Triangle to Chiang Khong to Chiang Rai and back to Chiang Mai. This circular route is quite good. Alternatively, you can go from Chiang Mai to Pai County to Mae Salong to Chiang Rai and back to Chiang Mai for a smaller circular route. A friendly reminder for traveling in northern Thailand: there are many steep slopes and sharp turns on the roads, so please be safe and try to avoid overtaking. Have a pleasant journey!

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