If there's an accident, does the insurance company compensate for the driver at the time ?

3 Answers

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As long as it is not driven by the registered driver, the insurance will not pay, and then there is nothing more... you can calculate the loss of expenses If you report the driver at the time as false, it is likely to go to court for insurance fraud, remember not to take risks...

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Only compensate for accidents caused by the drivers listed in the contract. Of course, it's best to have no accidents, and it's okay if there are just scratches. I'm just worried about involving third parties, and then the compensation won't be a small amount. I didn't buy it, and I didn't let the passengers drive. I drive for three hours every day, so I won't get tired.

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Just like drunk driving, **to change people temporarily, if discovered, it will be a big deal; there is no need, so much has been spent and it doesn't matter about this point, and the driving style in the UK is different again, and one's heart is still worried.