Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung. Are there many little black mosquitoes ?

3 Answers

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There is a large bottle of case, bitten by more than 100 bags.

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I didn't feel there were mosquitoes. It's cold at night on Mount Qingjing in Nantou, and there aren't many mosquitoes biting.

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There are basically no black bugs in Taipei, mainly in the southern part of Taiwan, such as grasslands and farms. People may not notice when they are bitten, and when they do, they are usually covered in bites and very itchy. It takes about half a month to relieve the itch, and scratching can leave scars. However, you don't have to worry too much because these mosquitoes are afraid of light and darkness, and only come out in the dim light of dusk and dawn. Also, if you go to Kenting for scuba diving or surfing, you need to apply more sunscreen because the ultraviolet rays are very strong and can easily cause sunburn.