May I ask the gurus, if you go to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, what are the requirements for bringing an electric rice cooker ?

3 Answers

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Switzerland is necessary to bring an electric pot. First, the first supermarket closes early, second, the taste of Swiss food is really not too suitable, third, the prices are very expensive. The night before we left Switzerland, we had dinner at the accommodation. Half a roasted chicken cost nearly three hundred, but the main reason for going to Switzerland is still to hike and see the scenery. The scenery is indeed beautiful.

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I took it all the way; it's great... packed the leftovers from outside to eat; then have dinner

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Eastern Sea

If you stay in a guesthouse, the kitchenware is all provided, so there's no need to bring an electric rice cooker a long way. If you stay in a hotel, be careful, you may be fined if you trigger the smoke alarm. Moreover, Europe is not like North America where there are few people and it's sometimes a problem to run for half a day without seeing a small town. Lunch can be solved in Europe, which is very convenient, and it seems that there is no need to bring an electric rice cooker.