Which is bigger, Citroen C or Fiat 500L? 4 adults and 1 child, with 2 pieces of luggage. Planning a Road trip to Italy. Urgent ?

3 Answers

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I have rented a car back, reporting, Citroen C3 and Fiat 500L can accommodate 5 people and 2 pieces of luggage with plenty of room! Even a small car like Nissan Tiida is not a problem

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The car models you mentioned can't fit so many people and luggage, and the roads in Italy are extremely difficult to drive on. The locals all drive SMART cars. I suggest you not to rent two Fiat Pandas. Also, there's really no need to drive in Paris. Even if you take a taxi to Versailles, it's only about 100 RMB. The cost of renting a car and parking, plus the risk of getting a ticket, is not worth it.

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From Milan to Venice, Florence, and finally returning the car at the Rome airport. The whole journey was super smooth, with the highest speed reaching 160km/h, and no accidents occurred. It's not as difficult to drive as you said. And to this day, I haven't found any violations. I also rented a car in France for a day and went to Disneyland. The hotel provided free parking, and the parking fee for Disneyland was 20 euros per day. I regret not renting a car in Paris city, as taking the subway back and forth and walking were extremely inconvenient, and I spent a lot of money.