What traffic rules should be noted when driving in France ?

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The French traffic management is very detailed, for example, we emphasize giving way, while they clarify who has priority and who gives way in various situations through regulations and signs. Speed limits are basically based on the level of the road, and there won't be situations where speed limits change on similar roads. In general, a lower speed limit definitely indicates a significant change in road conditions, and it would be more dangerous to not follow the speed limit. There is a lot of information on road signs, and the instructions are very clear. Warning signs are basically the same as in China. The meanings and precautions of the signs are explained in the following illustrations: Prohibition signs: Speed limit signs: Instruction signs: Direction signs: Next topic: Crossroads and right of way. Our traffic rules also stipulate the principle of priority, but overall they are not detailed enough. In driving training and daily education, the emphasis is mainly on giving way to each other, resulting in a situation of who can grab the priority, which easily leads to collisions. In the traffic rules and training in France, the emphasis is mainly on priority, and who should give way and who should have priority are clearly defined, and the signs are also very comprehensive. Next topic: Overtaking and passing. Accidents are more likely to occur during the process of overtaking and passing, and it requires comprehensive observation, accurate judgment, and decisive operation. Regulations related to parking: Regulations related to highways: - End of full post -