Basílica y Convento de San Francisco, A haunting journey through art and bones

Plaza de San Francisco, Lima, Peru
A ancient church in Lima, Peru


The San Francisco Monastery is famous for its underground mausoleum and precious library. It is said that seventy thousand people are buried in the underground mausoleum, while the library houses many ancient scriptures. The church itself is in the Baroque style of the Moors and is one of the well-preserved colonial-era churches in Lima. The underground mausoleum, rediscovered in 1943, is believed to be connected to the main cathedral and other churches through secret passages. The mausoleum is eerie yet full of beautiful artistic atmosphere, and as you walk inside the church, you can see exquisitely arranged human bone combinations through the grille.
Plaza de San Francisco, Lima, Peru
Opening hours
Everyday from 9:00 to 20:15, Church from 7:00 to 11:00 and 16:00 to 20:00.
Walk one block from Ancash street behind the Presidential Palace.