Want to learn about the ancient Inca civilization? Rent a car and explore the surroundings of Cusco

The quickest way to do a day trip to attractions around a unfamiliar city is to hire a car, especially in a typical tourist city like Cusco. Here, we recommend the itinerary for exploring areas around Cusco.

Inca Capital Fortress

This was once the Inca's capital fortress, where the Inca people and Spanish colonizers fought their most fierce battle. Unfortunately, clubs were no match for gunpowder, and the Inca people were left dead everywhere, attracting hordes of Andean condors. Therefore, today the military uniform of Cusco bears the symbol of eight condors to commemorate this tragedy. Overlooking the weapons square and the cathedral from the ruins, ironically, all the building materials used there were from this place.

Pissack Site

Inca Civilization Heritage: PISAC. Following the Sacred Valley north for about 30 kilometers from Sacsayhuaman is the famous Urubamba Valley of Cusco, also known as the Sacred Valley by the Incas. It is said that this is where the condors fly. The Urubamba River originates in Cusco, winds through the Andes Mountains and eventually flows into the Amazon. There are numerous Inca civilization-era ruins in this area, and Pisac is one of them. It is said to be the Shangri-La of the Andes Mountains.

Oyang Titanbo

Inca Temple: OLLANTAYTAMBO, also known as Ollantaytambo, is one of the most complete Inca ruins preserved for over 700 years without significant changes. It served both as a military fortress and a temple. Unfortunately, I did not have the mood to visit the ceremonial area and missed it. The legendary story here is that it is one of the few places where colonizers suffered a major defeat. The small town in the valley still guards tradition and civilization as in the past.