Australian War Memorial, A Tribute to Peace and Valor

Treloar Crescent, Campbell, Canberra ACT 2612
"The memorial hall has a rich collection of exhibits."


The Australian War Memorial was built to commemorate the 100,000 Australian soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country since 1788. In 1917, the Australian people proposed the idea of building a war memorial to commemorate the fallen heroes of World War I. In 1941, the Byzantine-style building with a copper-plated roof was completed. The theme of the memorial was extended to remember the martyrs of World War II. The memorial displays a large number of war relics, pictures, and models. The center of the memorial is the solemn commemorative area with black stone tablets on both sides bearing the names of the fallen soldiers, adorned with solemn flowers. In addition, the multimedia theater showcases scenes from the wars, air raids, and landing operations, allowing visitors to simulate military equipment like planes and guns. The Australian War Memorial is one of Australia's most valuable cultural heritage sites, playing a significant role in commemorating the heroic soldiers, promoting peace, and highlighting the truth behind wars.

Must-go rating

Must go


Free parking
Bus transportation
Treloar Crescent, Campbell, Canberra ACT 2612
Opening hours
"10:00-17:00, closed on Christmas Day."
Take Bus 10 (Monday to Friday) or Bus 910 (Weekend) from City Bus Station to get there.