Sydney Opera House, Architectural Marvel, a Cultural Icon

Bennelong Point Circular Quay East
Iconic buildings in Sydney


The Sydney Opera House, a famous building in Australia, is located at the convenient Lang Jiao in the magnificent Sydney Harbor. Its white sculptural body is uniquely shaped, like a scattered shell, and is intertwined with the Sydney Harbour Bridge, celebrating together. Construction began in 1959 and lasted for 14 years before being completed in 1973 as a landmark building in Sydney. On June 28, 2007, the Sydney Opera House was named a world cultural heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Every year, thousands of tourists come to visit this building and experience its unique charm. The Sydney Opera House consists of two large main halls, a small theater, a concert hall, and other ancillary facilities. The two halls are located within a unique competition sail-shaped structure, while the small theater is located within the lower base. The concert hall can accommodate up to 2,679 spectators and has the world's largest mechanical timber-linked organ, consisting of 10,500 wind pipes. The smaller of the two main halls is actually the opera house. Because the larger hall was originally built as an opera house, the stage of the smaller hall is relatively small, making it difficult to accommodate large orchestral performances. Therefore, the completed opera house stage was demolished and rebuilt. Every day, the Sydney Opera House provides guided tours in Mandarin Chinese for 30 minutes, leading tourists to experience the wonders of this building. From any angle, the Sydney Opera House's design is breathtaking, like an art temple that stands out on its own.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


Inconvenient to park
There is a parking lot
Free parking
Expensive parking fees
Park by the roadside
Bus transportation
Taking a boat
Translation: Others
Bennelong Point Circular Quay East
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 9:00-17:00
Take the City Rail or the free Shuttle BUS 555 (which has been discontinued since 2015) to Circular Quay and walk 5-10 minutes to your destination.