National War Memorial, A Solemn Tribute to Canada's Fallen Heroes

Confederation Square, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N6


Across from Parliament Hill stands a 21-meter-high monument, the Canadian National War Memorial. Originally built to commemorate the soldiers who died in World War I, it later became a memorial site for all fallen soldiers in Canadian wars, making it particularly revered. At the foot of the monument are 22 bronze statues, standing 2.44 meters tall, representing the 22 brave heroes who sacrificed their lives. Their uniforms and weapons are exactly like those used during the war, giving visitors a sense of stepping back into that historical battle. Royal guards stand guard at the monument every day, and on November 11th, Canada's Remembrance Day, solemn commemorative events are held here. The lush surroundings of tulips, cedars and other plants add warmth and solemnity to the site, as if gazing at the tragic history and expressing endless respect for these brave soldiers.
Confederation Square, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N6
Opening hours
24 hours
Take bus No. 1, 2, 7, 9, or 12 to Wellington/O'Connor stop and walk east for 3 minutes.