Vancouver Art Gallery, A Fusion of Classic and Contemporary Art

750 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7 Canada
You can see the art museum from the square across the street


The Vancouver Art Gallery holds over 10,000 works of art with diverse styles, ranging from outstanding pieces by British Columbia artists since 1931 to modern and highly creative works by young artists. Whether it is exquisite paintings or vivid photographs, they are all breathtaking. Additionally, the gallery has a large collection of works by the modernist painter Emily Carr. The gallery is divided into permanent and temporary exhibitions, regularly showcasing sculptures, architecture, and paintings with different themes. It is also a famous building in Vancouver that appears in many movies and TV shows. In short, the Vancouver Art Gallery is a must-see for anyone who loves art or wants to appreciate its beauty.
750 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7 Canada
Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00, Tuesday from 10:00 to 21:00.
Drive yourself there; or take the subway to Vancouver City Centre station, the station is right there.