Clifford's Tower, [object Object]

Tower St, York YO1 9SA, UK
You can enjoy a panoramic view of York from the tower


Clifford's Tower is located on a small hill and is one of the few remaining remnants of York Castle. Visitors can climb the narrow spiral staircase to the top of the tower, overlooking the panoramic view of York, and can visit the miniature model of the old York Castle inside the tower. In addition, visitors can also visit the nearby castle museum. In 1190, a highly controversial riot occurred at Clifford's Tower. At that time, some Christian merchants tried to deny their debts to Jewish bankers and even attempted to destroy the Jewish community. 150 surviving Jews were forced to flee to Clifford's Tower and eventually killed themselves.
Tower St, York YO1 9SA, UK
Opening hours
All year round, 9:30am to 7:00pm from July to August
10:00am to 5:00pm from April to June and September to October
10:00am to 4:00pm from November to March.
BUS 3, 37, and 66 to Clifford's Tower station.