Duomo di Orvieto, Awe-inspiring fusion of Gothic and Romanesque beauty

Piazza del Duomo, Orvieto, Italy
The front of the church is magnificent and resplendent


Orvieto Cathedral was built in 1290 and is one of the landmarks of Orvieto. It is a mix of Romanesque and Gothic styles, with the main body of the church made up of black and white marble stripes and a rainbow-colored stone carving at the entrance. The mural "The Last Judgment" inside the church is spectacular, with its brilliance still dazzling people to this day. In addition, the miracle of Bolsena, which occurred in 1263, adds a lot of mysterious colors to the church. It is said that Pope Urban IV ordered the construction of the church inspired by this miraculous event.
Piazza del Duomo, Orvieto, Italy